Western Buckeye Christian Camp is always open to accepting donations. WBCC has always been supported by donations from individuals and churches to help further this camp ministry for God’s kingdom. You can give monetary donations, and in-kind donations.
For monetary donations, please make checks out to WBCC.
You can also give online through paypal by clicking on the donate button below.
You can also help the camp if you shop at Kroger by going to and linking your Kroger Savings Card to Western Buckeye Christian Camp. Log on to, sign in to your account, then click on your name to open up your Account Summary, and enroll in the Community Rewards program. Our organization’s number is 83146. Then each time your use your Kroger card, WBCC receives a percentage of your spendings.
Last fall we began a debt retirement campaign to make sure we are debt free for our 75th Anniversary. Our goal was to get 300 people to commit to give $10.00 for 12 months for a total of $120.00.
Mail in any checks to
Western Buckeye Christian Camp
5455 Roeth Road
Houston, OH 45333
We are pleased to report that we were able to pay off 1/3 of our debt by raising over $15,000.00 through this campaign, even though we only had around 100 people participate. So we are going to continue the campaign for 2017, asking any who would like to help to sign-up. You can do that in a couple of different ways. You can go to our home page and clicking the donate button at the bottom or you can mail the checks directly to WBCC at 5455 Roeth Road, Houston, OH 45333.